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Family Law Attorneys in Fort Worth Texas

Should You File For Child Custody Modification in Texas?

Sometimes, child custody modifications become necessary when the current custody order is no longer working for parents or in the best interest of the child.

While it is possible to modify a Texas custody order with the assistance of an experienced family law attorney, it is not always easy to do.


Grandparents Rights – Do They Exist in Texas?

A question that many family attorneys receive is about grandparents rights and what they are in Texas and they are the first to admit that grandparents visitation and custody rights are tricky topics.

If you are a grandparent and have concerns about your grandkids or feel that your right to [...]

Marital Property – When Can It Be Unevenly Divided In A Divorce?

In a community property state like Texas, divorce lawyers advise that while all marital property is divided between the two spouses, there is no law that says it must be divided 50/50.

Divorce attorneys will instead explain the law of “just and right” division of property and how it can [...]

2024-10-25T10:35:43-05:00February 8, 2022|Divorce Attorneys in Arlington Texas, Divorce Attorneys in Fort Worth Texas, Divorce Lawyers in Euless Texas, Divorce Lawyers in Fort Worth Texas|Comments Off on Marital Property – When Can It Be Unevenly Divided In A Divorce?

Did You Really Say That? Hearsay Evidence in Divorce Courts!

When gathering evidence for a Texas divorce case to present in court, divorce attorneys advise their clients to avoid giving evidence that is called “hearsay,” as these kinds of statements are rarely admissible.

Good evidence is an essential part of any petitioning spouse's divorce case and for divorce lawyers to [...]

2024-10-25T10:34:45-05:00February 8, 2022|Divorce Attorneys in Bedford Texas, Divorce Attorneys in Fort Worth Texas, Divorce Lawyers in Euless Texas, Divorce Lawyers in Fort Worth Texas|Comments Off on Did You Really Say That? Hearsay Evidence in Divorce Courts!

Remote Family Law Practices – A Brave New Future!

In these unprecedented times of the COVID-19 pandemic, conducting business remotely has become a priority for many businesses including family law firms.

Fortunately for our clients, all of us at Schreier & Housewirth have fully embraced the idea of practicing remotely, as we’ve already employed many cloud-based, remote solutions for [...]

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