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Divorce Attorneys in Arlington Texas

Full Custody Is A Myth in Texas Family Law!

When heading into new divorce cases with some Texas parents, divorce attorneys frequently hear their clients requesting full custody of the kids and citing all of the reasons why they deserve it.

What these parents do not understand, which their divorce lawyer will need to explain to them, is that [...]

2024-06-25T15:27:15-05:00May 4, 2023|Divorce Attorneys in Arlington Texas, Divorce Attorneys in Bedford Texas|Comments Off on Full Custody Is A Myth in Texas Family Law!

What Are The 3 Key Documents in Every Texas Divorce Case?

Every divorce that Texas divorce attorneys assist their clients with must follow the same legal process for the divorce to be finalized.

An integral part of this process for clients of divorce lawyers is the three must-have documents that make legally finalizing the divorce possible.

These three key documents are [...]

2024-06-25T15:27:14-05:00April 6, 2023|Divorce Attorneys in Arlington Texas, Divorce Attorneys in Keller Texas|Comments Off on What Are The 3 Key Documents in Every Texas Divorce Case?

Don’t Let Your Divorce Drive You Crazy!

Any divorce attorney will agree that getting divorced is stressful, even in the best of cases.

In the worst situations, divorce lawyers see some clients going through extreme levels of stress, sometimes to the point where their mental health is affected.

These types of responses are natural, but they are [...]

2024-06-25T15:27:14-05:00March 7, 2023|Divorce Attorneys in Arlington Texas, Divorce Attorneys in Keller Texas|Comments Off on Don’t Let Your Divorce Drive You Crazy!

Can You Divorce In A Different State Than Where You Married?

People move, especially when separating and divorcing, leaving divorce lawyers frequently answering the important question about where those divorces can actually take place.

Divorces can only happen in a state that has jurisdiction.

Determining that can sometimes be a bit complicated if both spouses have moved from the state in [...]

2024-06-25T15:27:11-05:00May 9, 2022|Divorce Attorneys in Arlington Texas, Divorce Attorneys in Fort Worth Texas, Divorce Lawyers in Arlington Texas, Divorce Lawyers in Bedford Texas|Comments Off on Can You Divorce In A Different State Than Where You Married?

Divorce and The Family Home – Should I Keep It For The Kids?

An important issue that divorce attorneys advise clients with children about is whether or not they should try to keep the marital home.

All real estate owned by a couple, including the family home, is considered community property in Texas that must be fairly dispersed in an acceptable way or [...]

2024-06-25T15:27:07-05:00April 11, 2022|Divorce Attorneys in Arlington Texas, Divorce Attorneys in Bedford Texas, Divorce Attorneys in Keller Texas|Comments Off on Divorce and The Family Home – Should I Keep It For The Kids?

Shared Cloud Accounts and Divorce – Better Be Careful!

Cloud technology has been an amazingly useful collaborative tool for many people; however, divorce attorneys warn about the pitfalls for those getting divorced.

Privacy is a huge concern for couples going through divorce proceedings with a divorce lawyer and virtual accounts are just one of many things that can cause [...]

2024-06-25T15:27:12-05:00March 10, 2022|Divorce Attorneys in Arlington Texas, Divorce Attorneys in Bedford Texas, Divorce Lawyers in Arlington Texas, Divorce Lawyers in Keller Texas|Comments Off on Shared Cloud Accounts and Divorce – Better Be Careful!

Marital Property – When Can It Be Unevenly Divided In A Divorce?

In a community property state like Texas, divorce lawyers advise that while all marital property is divided between the two spouses, there is no law that says it must be divided 50/50.

Divorce attorneys will instead explain the law of “just and right” division of property and how it can [...]

2024-06-25T15:27:12-05:00February 8, 2022|Divorce Attorneys in Arlington Texas, Divorce Attorneys in Fort Worth Texas, Divorce Lawyers in Euless Texas, Divorce Lawyers in Fort Worth Texas|Comments Off on Marital Property – When Can It Be Unevenly Divided In A Divorce?

Two Different Divorce Components – Don’t Join Them Into One!

Divorcing is a life event that can get very emotional, as any divorce attorney can tell you.

Yet as normal as having strong emotions during a divorce may be, they represent only one part of the divorce equation.

Divorce lawyers recognize that there are two separate components to a divorce: [...]

2024-06-25T15:26:43-05:00February 8, 2022|Divorce Attorneys in Arlington Texas, Divorce Attorneys in Fort Worth Texas, Divorce Lawyers in Euless Texas, Divorce Lawyers in Fort Worth Texas|Comments Off on Two Different Divorce Components – Don’t Join Them Into One!
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