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Child Custody Agreements in Fort Worth Texas

What Does Joint Custody Mean in Texas Family Court?

In most divorce cases that involve children, it is typical for parents to seek joint child custody that will allow them to co-parent beyond the end of their marriage.

Texas refers to this as joint conservatorship and prefers this child custody arrangement for parents who are willing to work together to [...]

2024-10-25T10:34:41-05:00November 23, 2022|Child Custody in Arlington Texas, Child Custody in Bedford Texas, Child Custody in Euless Texas, Child Custody in Hurst Texas|Comments Off on What Does Joint Custody Mean in Texas Family Court?

How to Manage Co-Parenting Issues During The Holidays!

Of all the stressful periods that family law attorneys help their clients through, holiday time can be among the most difficult, especially for divorced couples who are co-parenting their children.

Child custody agreements usually include planning for holidays, but those agreements can still be a challenge once holiday time rolls [...]

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