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CPS – A View Inside This Powerful State Agency’s World!

The very mention of a CPS investigation can send shivers down any parent’s spine - and for good reason.

CPS is a powerful organization that exists to protect children and ensure their safety; however, CPS claims can be heart-wrenching for families, even in the majority of cases which result in [...]

2024-06-25T15:27:15-05:00September 7, 2023|CPS Investigations in Fort Worth Texas, CPS Investigations in N. Richland Hills Texas|Comments Off on CPS – A View Inside This Powerful State Agency’s World!

Should I Use an Agency for Adoption in Texas?

Prospective parents in Texas interested in adopting can do so by either working with an adoption agency or hiring an adoption attorney directly to handle the legalities for them.

Whether choosing to hire a private adoption lawyer on their own or go through an agency that hires their own lawyers, [...]

2024-06-25T15:27:08-05:00August 22, 2023|Agency Adoption in Keller Texas, Agency Adoption in N Richland Hills Texas|Comments Off on Should I Use an Agency for Adoption in Texas?

What Should I Expect from a High Conflict Divorce in Texas?

High conflict divorces can be some of the most complex, emotional, and challenging events spouses must endure.

Divorce lawyers specializing in high-conflict cases in Texas agree that these situations can take the meaning of conflict to a new level and require special handling for a positive outcome.

The best way [...]

2024-06-25T15:26:09-05:00August 8, 2023|High Conflict Divorces in Bedford Texas, High Conflict Divorces in Fort Worth Texas|Comments Off on What Should I Expect from a High Conflict Divorce in Texas?

The Ins and Outs of Contested Divorces in Texas!

Contested divorces can become complex, emotional situations for all involved.

It is bad enough when a couple realizes that they can no longer maintain their relationship and hiring divorce lawyers becomes necessary, but when they are also unable to agree on the specific terms of their divorce, the situation can [...]

2024-06-25T15:26:07-05:00July 25, 2023|Contested Divorces in Bedford Texas, Contested Divorces in Fort Worth Texas|Comments Off on The Ins and Outs of Contested Divorces in Texas!

What Is Included In Unbundled Legal Services in Texas?

Unbundled legal services are a valuable and affordable option if you're willing to represent yourself in divorce court and need the guidance of a experienced divorce attorney. 

Designed to provide access to the specific legal services that a client needs most, unbundling allows clients to handle some of the footwork [...]

2024-06-25T15:26:13-05:00July 11, 2023|Unbundled Legal Services in Fort Worth Texas, Unbundled Legal Services in N Richland Hills Texas|Comments Off on What Is Included In Unbundled Legal Services in Texas?

A Spouse’s Guide to A Texas Divorce – What You Need to Know!

Getting a divorce in Texas?

Before doing so, divorce attorneys recommend that spouses planning to end their marriage fully understand the Texas divorce process to know what they can expect with it.

This short and helpful guide explains everything that divorce lawyers want their clients to know about getting divorced [...]

2024-06-25T15:27:09-05:00June 22, 2023|Divorce|Comments Off on A Spouse’s Guide to A Texas Divorce – What You Need to Know!

What Is Limited Scope Representation in Texas Family Law?

One of the challenges that families in need of legal representation face is the cost of such services, which can be prohibitive to many.

Some people who need legal services will be unable to afford an attorney, which can be damaging to their legal cases.

Limited scope legal representation is a [...]

2024-06-25T15:27:07-05:00June 8, 2023|Limited Scope Representation in Bedford Texas, Limited Scope Representation in Fort Worth Texas|Comments Off on What Is Limited Scope Representation in Texas Family Law?

The Divorce Quick-Start – Work With A Divorce Help Attorney!

Ending a marriage without divorce help can be a confusing and scary event for spouses who may not know what to do, how to start the process, or what all the terminology means.

The best option for any spouse seeking a divorce is to work with a caring divorce attorney [...]

2024-06-25T15:27:47-05:00May 19, 2023|Divorce Help in Euless Texas, Divorce Help in Keller Texas|Comments Off on The Divorce Quick-Start – Work With A Divorce Help Attorney!

Full Custody Is A Myth in Texas Family Law!

When heading into new divorce cases with some Texas parents, divorce attorneys frequently hear their clients requesting full custody of the kids and citing all of the reasons why they deserve it.

What these parents do not understand, which their divorce lawyer will need to explain to them, is that [...]

2024-06-25T15:27:15-05:00May 4, 2023|Divorce Attorneys in Arlington Texas, Divorce Attorneys in Bedford Texas|Comments Off on Full Custody Is A Myth in Texas Family Law!

The Waste of Marital Property Remedies During A Divorce

One of the more contentious parts of some divorces is the identification and division of marital property.

Divorce lawyers find that in some difficult cases, spouses who cannot agree on what constitutes marital property or how it should be handled will squander those assets before the divorce is finalized.

Texas [...]

2024-06-25T15:27:49-05:00April 20, 2023|Divorce Law Firms in Arlington Texas, Divorce Law Firms in Fort Worth Texas|Comments Off on The Waste of Marital Property Remedies During A Divorce
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