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Why More Professionals Are Choosing Collaborative Divorce!

A doctor (I’ll call her Joan) recently called me, concerned about pursuing a divorce from her husband who was also a physician and worried that a public and contentious divorce would expose her husband’s alcoholism and jeopardize his professional standing and even his medical license.

Both parties owned an interest [...]

2024-10-25T10:35:41-05:00February 8, 2022|Divorce Advice Attorneys in Fort Worth Texas, Divorce Advice Attorneys in Keller Texas, Divorce Lawyers in Arlington Texas, Divorce Lawyers in Fort Worth Texas|Comments Off on Why More Professionals Are Choosing Collaborative Divorce!

Why You Need to Understand How Your Divorce Will Proceed!

Two common questions that divorce lawyers get from clients seeking divorce help is what is involved in the process and how long will it take.

The first question is fairly simple to answer as every divorce goes through the same process until the divorce decree is signed.

The answer to [...]

2024-10-25T10:35:40-05:00February 8, 2022|Divorce Attorneys in Euless Texas, Divorce Attorneys in Fort Worth Texas, Divorce Lawyers in Fort Worth Texas, Divorce Lawyers in Keller Texas|Comments Off on Why You Need to Understand How Your Divorce Will Proceed!

How to Cope With Divorce Uncertainties During COVID-19

The coronavirus pandemic has drastically changed life for many, creating new challenges for daily existence.

Stay-at-home orders, changes to work and childcare schedules, and other unanticipated changes have been especially challenging for those dealing with divorce or the potential for one.

Whether your divorce is in process or you just [...]

Don’t Leave Divorce to Chance – Plan and Be Prepared!

Because no divorce is the ever same and even simpler ones require critical forethought, it’s always recommended to consult with a divorce lawyer who can guide you in such planning.

It is the key to avoiding unexpected problems along the way that could delay the process or make finalizing a [...]

2024-10-25T10:35:39-05:00February 8, 2022|Divorce Lawyers in Arlington Texas, Divorce Lawyers in Fort Worth Texas, Divorce Planning in Fort Worth Texas, Divorce Planning in N Richland Hills Texas|Comments Off on Don’t Leave Divorce to Chance – Plan and Be Prepared!

You Really Want The State of Texas To Distribute Your Estate?

If you’re like a lot of people, outlining your estate distribution with a small estate planning lawyer is one of those things that you know you need to do yet keep putting off until later because it doesn’t really seem that pressing.

Maybe you’re in good health or not too [...]

A Novel Way to Avoid COVID-19 Family Court Delays – Mediation!

The new, novel coronavirus has changed our world in some significant ways lately, leaving many professionals including divorce lawyers in search of new, novel ways to serve their clients.

Divorce mediation has always been a preferred negotiation method used by lawyers to help their clients avoid having to take their [...]

2024-10-25T10:35:35-05:00February 8, 2022|Divorce Mediation in Arlington Texas, Divorce Mediation in Fort Worth Texas, Divorce Mediation Lawyers in Euless Texas, Divorce Mediation Lawyers in Fort Worth Texas|Comments Off on A Novel Way to Avoid COVID-19 Family Court Delays – Mediation!

Two Different Divorce Components – Don’t Join Them Into One!

Divorcing is a life event that can get very emotional, as any divorce attorney can tell you.

Yet as normal as having strong emotions during a divorce may be, they represent only one part of the divorce equation.

Divorce lawyers recognize that there are two separate components to a divorce: [...]

2024-10-25T10:35:14-05:00February 8, 2022|Divorce Attorneys in Arlington Texas, Divorce Attorneys in Fort Worth Texas, Divorce Lawyers in Euless Texas, Divorce Lawyers in Fort Worth Texas|Comments Off on Two Different Divorce Components – Don’t Join Them Into One!

Selecting A Divorce Lawyer? Know Your Decision-Making Style!

Do you paint with a broad brush or are you a stickler for the details?

Each of us falls somewhere on the decision-making spectrum and it affects our approach to many of life’s big decisions - like divorce.

It is All In the Decision-Making Details

That detail, including choosing the [...]

Finding The Exit Ramp From Your CPS Investigation!

“Just make them go away!”

This is the command I receive from many families enduring the constant prying, testing, and interrogation that goes on in any CPS investigation and here is my reply, “You can’t un-ring the bell.”

Once you and your family have caught the attention of a CPS [...]

Divorce, Geographic Restrictions, and Child Custody – A Case Study

Ellen was a mother of two who moved with her husband from Massachusetts to Texas, hoping that the move would improve the marriage; however, things only got worse.

Problem – Isolation From Family Support Network

Now isolated from her family and support system back in Massachusetts, Ellen was entirely under [...]

2024-10-25T10:35:12-05:00February 8, 2022|Divorce|Comments Off on Divorce, Geographic Restrictions, and Child Custody – A Case Study
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