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Divorce Lawyers in Arlington Texas

Full Custody Is A Myth in Texas Family Law!

When heading into new divorce cases with some Texas parents, divorce attorneys frequently hear their clients requesting full custody of the kids and citing all of the reasons why they deserve it.

What these parents do not understand, which their divorce lawyer will need to explain to them, is that [...]

2024-10-17T09:43:50-05:00May 4, 2023|Divorce Attorneys in Arlington Texas, Divorce Attorneys in Bedford Texas|Comments Off on Full Custody Is A Myth in Texas Family Law!

The Waste of Marital Property Remedies During A Divorce

One of the more contentious parts of some divorces is the identification and division of marital property.

Divorce lawyers find that in some difficult cases, spouses who cannot agree on what constitutes marital property or how it should be handled will squander those assets before the divorce is finalized.

Texas [...]

2024-10-17T09:44:09-05:00April 20, 2023|Divorce Law Firms in Arlington Texas, Divorce Law Firms in Fort Worth Texas|Comments Off on The Waste of Marital Property Remedies During A Divorce

Temporary Restraining Orders – Here’s What You Need to Know!

One of the protective orders that divorce lawyers come across while representing clients is the temporary order, usually signed by a judge while the divorce case is ongoing.

Attorneys find that many people do not fully understand the purpose of these orders and what they are meant to protect.

Temporary orders [...]

2024-10-17T09:44:13-05:00April 7, 2023|Divorce Law Firms in Fort Worth Texas, Divorce Law Firms in Hurst Texas|Comments Off on Temporary Restraining Orders – Here’s What You Need to Know!

What Are The 3 Key Documents in Every Texas Divorce Case?

Every divorce that Texas divorce attorneys assist their clients with must follow the same legal process for the divorce to be finalized.

An integral part of this process for clients of divorce lawyers is the three must-have documents that make legally finalizing the divorce possible.

These three key documents are [...]

2024-10-17T09:43:46-05:00April 6, 2023|Divorce Attorneys in Arlington Texas, Divorce Attorneys in Keller Texas|Comments Off on What Are The 3 Key Documents in Every Texas Divorce Case?

Don’t Let Your Divorce Drive You Crazy!

Any divorce attorney will agree that getting divorced is stressful, even in the best of cases.

In the worst situations, divorce lawyers see some clients going through extreme levels of stress, sometimes to the point where their mental health is affected.

These types of responses are natural, but they are [...]

2024-10-17T09:43:41-05:00March 7, 2023|Divorce Attorneys in Arlington Texas, Divorce Attorneys in Keller Texas|Comments Off on Don’t Let Your Divorce Drive You Crazy!

Divorce and The Family Home – Should I Keep It For The Kids?

An important issue that divorce attorneys advise clients with children about is whether or not they should try to keep the marital home.

All real estate owned by a couple, including the family home, is considered community property in Texas that must be fairly dispersed in an acceptable way or [...]

2024-10-17T09:43:26-05:00April 11, 2022|Divorce Attorneys in Arlington Texas, Divorce Attorneys in Bedford Texas, Divorce Attorneys in Keller Texas|Comments Off on Divorce and The Family Home – Should I Keep It For The Kids?
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