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CPS Lawyers in Bellaire Texas

CPS Investigations in Texas – Do You Know Your Rights?

Being confronted with a CPS investigation can be a scary thing for Texas parents facing allegations of child abuse or neglect.

CPS lawyers are contacted by parents every day who are concerned about what can happen and confused about what they should do to protect themselves and their families.

The [...]

2024-10-25T10:34:46-05:00November 10, 2023|CPS Investigations in Arlington Texas, CPS Investigations in Fort Worth Texas|Comments Off on CPS Investigations in Texas – Do You Know Your Rights?

What Outcomes Are Possible With A Texas CPS Investigation?

Parents dealing with Texas CPS claims against them frequently fear the worst and with valid reasoning.

Some of these cases can be quite serious and bring an equally serious outcome: however, CPS lawyers also find that a greater percentage of CPS cases are minor, resulting in no or minimal intervention.

Since every case [...]

2024-10-25T10:35:45-05:00October 23, 2023|CPS Claims in Bellaire Texas, CPS Claims in Fort Worth Texas|Comments Off on What Outcomes Are Possible With A Texas CPS Investigation?

CPS – A View Inside This Powerful State Agency’s World!

The very mention of a CPS investigation can send shivers down any parent’s spine - and for good reason.

CPS is a powerful organization that exists to protect children and ensure their safety; however, CPS claims can be heart-wrenching for families, even in the majority of cases which result in [...]

2024-10-25T10:35:46-05:00September 7, 2023|CPS Investigations in Fort Worth Texas, CPS Investigations in N. Richland Hills Texas|Comments Off on CPS – A View Inside This Powerful State Agency’s World!
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