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Child Protective Services Claims in Fort Worth Texas

CPS Safety Plans – Know Your Options Before You Sign One!

A CPS safety plan is an intervention taken by child protective services while an active investigation is ongoing.

These controversial directives are designed to protect children after a child protective services claim is made against parents, but it is important to carefully consider them before signing one.

Any parent asked [...]

What Happens In A CPS Investigation in Texas?

When parents face a child protective services claim against them, it is important to understand the process that will follow.

Any claim made to child protective services, regardless of who makes it or whether the claim is valid or not, must be followed up with an investigation.

CPS investigations are [...]

2024-06-25T15:26:17-05:00October 9, 2023|Child Protective Services in Arlington Texas, Child Protective Services in Fort Worth Texas|Comments Off on What Happens In A CPS Investigation in Texas?

Does Every CPS Case Need Attorney Involvement?

When faced with a CPS claim and investigation, parents might wonder what they should do about it.

Dealing with Child Protective Services can be scary and generate many questions and concerns.

Fortunately, most CPS investigations work out with little to no intervention required, although that does not mean parents should [...]

2024-06-25T15:26:08-05:00September 21, 2023|Child Protective Services in Fort Worth Texas, Child Protective Services in Keller Texas|Comments Off on Does Every CPS Case Need Attorney Involvement?
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