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Child Custody Attorneys in Fort Worth Texas

Calming Down Your Family Law Fears During COVID-19

So much was happening in our lives just weeks ago: kids were looking forward to spring break, there were elections for every office from President to dogcatcher, financial markets were soaring, family law attorneys were helping their clients, and we were an optimistic people.

Then it all stopped.

And sadly, [...]

Recent Family Court Actions On Child Visitation With COVID-19

If you’re one of the many Americans whose job and family life has been affected by the COVID-19 outbreak and have shared child custody, you may be wondering how the recent stay-at-home orders in Texas affect your child custody orders.

Naturally, keeping your child safe during this scary and stressful [...]

2024-10-25T10:35:46-05:00February 8, 2022|Child Custody Agreements in Euless Texas, Child Custody Agreements in Fort Worth Texas, Child Custody in Arlington Texas, Child Custody in Fort Worth Texas|Comments Off on Recent Family Court Actions On Child Visitation With COVID-19
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