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Child Protective Services Claims Lawyers in Fort Worth Texas

When CPS Investigations Become YOUR Problem!

Getting a visit from Child Protective Services looking to do a CPS investigation is a very serious issue, one that most parents are surprised by when it happens to them.

The fact is, it happens more than you might think it does and for all kinds of reasons.

As experienced [...]

Case Study – Alleviating The Fear of CPS Investigations!

Case Study in Family Law: How I helped one family respond to a CPS investigation

I’ll call them Rob and Jenn to respect their privacy.

They owned a successful small business and were the parents of two children, Jason 15 and Emily 13.

A Crisis Already Existed

Mom and dad [...]

2024-10-25T10:34:49-05:00February 8, 2022|CPS Investigations Attorneys in Fort Worth Texas, CPS Investigations Lawyers in Fort Worth Texas|Comments Off on Case Study – Alleviating The Fear of CPS Investigations!
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