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Child Protective Services Claims Attorneys in Fort Worth Texas

Finding The Exit Ramp From Your CPS Investigation!

“Just make them go away!”

This is the command I receive from many families enduring the constant prying, testing, and interrogation that goes on in any CPS investigation and here is my reply, “You can’t un-ring the bell.”

Once you and your family have caught the attention of a CPS [...]

Case Study – Alleviating The Fear of CPS Investigations!

Case Study in Family Law: How I helped one family respond to a CPS investigation

I’ll call them Rob and Jenn to respect their privacy.

They owned a successful small business and were the parents of two children, Jason 15 and Emily 13.

A Crisis Already Existed

Mom and dad [...]

2024-10-17T09:44:25-05:00February 8, 2022|CPS Investigations Attorneys in Fort Worth Texas, CPS Investigations Lawyers in Fort Worth Texas|Comments Off on Case Study – Alleviating The Fear of CPS Investigations!
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